Lithuanian Language Courses

On this page, you can find information on Lithuanian language courses.
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Klaipeda University

You can learn Lithuanian language (levels A1, A2, B1, B2) at Klaipėda University's Center for Lithuanian Studies and Foreign Languages  (address S. Nėries str. 5, Klaipėda), because courses are held here all year long.

If it is necessary, we help to prepare for state Lithuanian language exams (A2, B1, B2).

Semester courses are held:

  • from September to January,
  • from February to June.

Usually meetings are in the evening twice a week and each lasts for two academic hours.

If you want to learn Lithuanian quickly and you have time for it, you can attend intensive Lithuanian language courses.

These courses last for one month (in January and July). Classes are held every day (from Monday to Friday) for 4 academic hours (from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.). If needed, a cultural program is also offered after classes, aimed at getting to know more about Lithuanian culture and traditions and going on guided tours around Lithuania.