SODRA INFO SESSION: Social & Health Insurance Taxes



SODRA INFO SESSION: Social & Health Insurance Taxes
🌟 Are you engaged in business under a certificate or individual activity certificate and curious about the social and health insurance taxes paid to SoDra? πŸ’Ό
πŸš€ Join us for an info-session where we learn about social and health insurance taxes applicable to self-employed individuals.
πŸ“’ Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain insights and clarity on your obligations and entitlements.
🌐 Mark your calendars and join us for this informative session:
πŸ—“οΈ Date: March 7th
⏰ Time: 4:00 pm
πŸ“Œ Venue: Zoom
πŸ“ Learn everything you need to know to navigate your social and health insurance tax responsibilities confidently. See you there! πŸŒŸ
πŸ†“ The event is FREE, but the number of participants is limited, and it will not be recorded.